Planting Your Vegetable Garden
Nature's Way Market's spring collection of organic seeds makes gardening a breeze.
Grow your vegetable garden with only the best foundation this spring. Nature’s Way is now carrying its collection of High Mowing Organic Seeds — 120 different varieties. Among them are lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, squash, kale, and root crops — all non-GMO and certified organic. “For the most part, these seeds can go straight into the ground,” explains Becca Linebaugh, store manager. “But some need to be started indoors.” To get a jump on your garden, start the seeds in pots before transferring them outside. Peppers and tomatoes are two plants that can benefit from seed starting, with stronger roots that are able to tolerate a disturbance. If, however, you’re looking for a little less work, Nature’s Way can still support your garden. “We try to bring in clean plants from local sources — last year it was Palmer’s Farm — that are grown without any pesticides,” Linebaugh says. Starting in late April, these plants can be purchased and immediately added to your own backyard.
Nature’s Way Market, 796 Highland Ave., Greensburg. 724.836.3524.